E-KTP and Employment Details

icon car

(only one, if you have more than one)


(if you specified employment as house wife/retiree/student/college student kindly choose "Other")

(if you specified employment other than house wife/retiree/student/college student)

(if you specified employment other than house wife/retiree/student/college student)

Customer consent

I agree to provide the Bank with my personal data and fully understand that it will be use for updating my current personal data in the Bank system in relation with ID details, employment details, and my financial information, along with my gross income per year in SLIK OJK (Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan).

I hereby declare the information that I provided is correct and my own  personal data.

Please ensure the completeness and accuracy of the data you inputted. If this data update request can't be processed, Bank will not send any SMS notification.

UOB Indonesia berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dan Bank Indonesia
serta merupakan peserta penjaminan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan

Kantor Pusat UOB Indonesia : UOB Plaza, Jl M.H. Thamrin No. 10 Jakarta Pusat 10230